Fireplace Edition: 6 Tips To Make Your Home Feel Cozy and Stylish

Fireplaces Australia

All homes are unique and you want yours to reflect you, your personality, and your style. If you’re looking for some fun ideas to add in that could feel a little new and different to keep people feeling cozy in your living room this winter or summer, then take a look at these six easy tips!

Types of Fireplaces

Fireplaces Australia is an exterior feature close to the ground that radiates heat. The location of a fireplace relative to other important rooms, like the family room and hall, can make a huge difference. It should not be in direct line with any bedrooms because of airflow. To find the perfect location for your fireplace, follow these tips:


1-Use stone from rooms that surround the fireplace

2-Placing a sitting area around the fire feels cozy

3-Don’t place the mantle too high that it can’t draw away ashes and smoke

4-Aim large fireplaces in living rooms or family rooms with flat ceilings 

5-Include storage next 

6-Consider including wall features such as valances and mantels

Considerations When Adding a Fireplace

No matter what your style is, a fireplace can enhance any living space. Consider the current style in your room before choosing a style for a fireplace. If you’re looking to match tiles or wood flooring, add one that matches. For example, if you have a rustic home with an open layout, consider adding metal tiles and creating an arched stone mantle. To create shopping bag art décor and give your fireplace a modern look, try light coloured marble surmounting dark pavement tiles or choosing a tile with different colours of glass embedded into it. 

What to Pick and What Not to Pick in Your Apartment?

The colour can go from light peach to dark yellow and even grey. There are two forms of the ladder-style: hung in the front or back of the fireplace. Interested in a wood stove? Wood stoves are a dependable way to heat your home, but we believe it’s simply not worth all the difficult maintenance requirements.

What to Get Indoors or Outdoors Next?

Most homeowners decorate with windows, adding to the structure of their home. This means they can go outside and make a fire pit, indoor or outdoor fireplace, or indoor wall hanging. However, there are plenty more things outside to get besides bricks and rocks.

Greet guests with a fireplace welcome sign

A fireplace is a vintage and modern feature that most homes won’t function without. They can provide nostalgia for the holidays when guests visit, create cozy fireplaces for wintertime, or even be used as an easily great-looking decor piece during the summer months. To start filling your home with style, use a step ladder to reach high up on its walls to hang a sign welcoming your guests into your home. This can be done from the backyard by using anything from string to tinsel to paper or from an outdoor porch.


Now that your home is decorated, it is time to add amazing wood heaters. The above tips can help make your room stand out. One simple tip is adding a curtain; the slits can be open in the winter for extra warmth or closed in the summer for extra coolness.