How Medication Can Target Osteoarthritis Pain And Inflammation

osteoarthritis diagnosis and treatment

One of the most common conditions that cause arthritis pain is osteoarthritis. It’s estimated that approximately 20 percent of adults over the age of 65 have it, but you don’t need to be elderly to develop it. In fact, its prevalence increases with age.

And while there are several treatment options available for managing osteoarthritis pain and inflammation, not all are effective or safe for everyone. There are many treatment center for osteoarthritis diagnosis and treatment.

That’s why medication for osteoarthritis targets your symptoms can be such a great option for reducing your discomfort and improving quality of life.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s healing process. When you cut yourself, for example, inflammation helps the wound heal by attracting immune cells and creating an environment that will encourage them to clean up damaged tissue. 

But sometimes inflammation gets out of hand and causes symptoms like pain or swelling–what we call “inflammation.”

Inflammation can be caused by injury or infection; autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis; or even certain diseases like cancer (which also causes pain). Anti-inflammatory medications help reduce this type of chronic inflammatory response.

osteoarthritis diagnosis and treatment

Modifying Pain Signals

Pain signals are transmitted by the nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is responsible for transmitting pain signals from your body to your brain, and then back down again. 

The central nervous system does the same thing, but it also acts as a relay between various parts of your brain itself (including those involved in regulating emotions).

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for stimulating fight-or-flight responses such as increased heart rate and heightened senses–you know, so that you can run away from danger without getting eaten by a bear! 

The parasympathetic nervous system works in opposition: It slows down processes like digestion so that you don’t barf up all over yourself when you see some scary stuff happening nearby (again).

Slowing Joint Damage

Medications can help to slow down joint damage. In osteoarthritis, the major cause of pain is inflammation and breakdown of cartilage. 

Medication for osteoarthritis reduce inflammation can make it easier for you to move around without pain, but they don’t actually stop cartilage breakdown. Instead, these drugs aim to slow down this process so that your joints don’t deteriorate as quickly.

Targeting Specific Joint Areas

If you’re suffering from osteoarthritis pain and inflammation, you may be able to target specific joint areas by using a medication that works on the area in question. For example, if your knees are really bothering you, there are certain medications that can help reduce pain and swelling in those joints.

One such medication is prednisone (a corticosteroid). This drug works by suppressing your immune system’s response to the disease–meaning it reduces inflammation throughout your entire body instead of just targeting one area specifically. 

While this can be helpful for some people with arthritis, others find that it makes them feel worse overall because of side effects like increased blood pressure or weight gain. 

If these symptoms occur while taking prednisone for osteoarthritis treatment, talk with your doctor about switching medications or discontinuing use altogether until symptoms improve on their own without treatment intervention first.


Osteoarthritis can be a painful disease, but there are many ways to manage the pain. If you’re struggling with osteoarthritis or other types of arthritis, take medication for osteoarthritis and see the result.