Online Escape Room : Few Tips To Play It Well

Escape Game Melbourne

If you are a fan of escape rooms and looking for some more, then this post is for you. I have played many Online Escape Room Melbourne and have learned a lot about them. These tips will help you play an escape room better than before.

Don’t get frustrated

  • Don’t give up. This is the most important rule in an escape room. It takes time to solve puzzles, so don’t get frustrated and walk away from one if you can’t do it at first.
  • Don’t give up if you don’t know the answer or solution to a puzzle. There are usually multiple solutions to every challenge, so if one doesn’t work, try another one!
  • Don’t give up even if you can’t find any possible solutions to a puzzle (which happens sometimes). You could be missing something or looking at it from the wrong angle – keep trying until something clicks!

Don’t give up even if you can’t find any possible solutions to a puzzle (which happens sometimes). You could be missing something or looking at it from the wrong angle – keep trying until something clicks!

Escape Game Melbourne

Think logically

When you play in an escape room, try to think logically. It’s easy to get frustrated, but you shouldn’t give up. If a puzzle seems impossible, or if the answer just isn’t coming to you, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teammates. You can also use hints if necessary (if it’s allowed). Don’t try to do everything yourself; this is a team effort!

 Finally, if something feels confusing or out of place in the room—say a box has been taped shut with no apparent reason—assume that there’s some sort of trick involved and try not to assume too much about what a puzzle asks as opposed to what it means.

As a rule, if you get stuck, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s much better to ask for help than waste time running around in circles trying to solve something that could have easily been solved by someone else.

Pay attention to the detail

To begin, it’s important to remember that there are no accidents in an escape room. All the pieces of your escape room experience have meaning and will lead you forward as long as you look for them. When playing an escape room game, pay attention to detail. What details? Anything! The more carefully crafted a puzzle is, the more important it’s going to be in the endgame.

For example:

  • What are they wearing?
  • How many do they have? How far apart are they located? Is there something else nearby that shows how many people were here before me (e.g., a set of footprints or a set of keys)?
  • What can I do with this object/item/clue? How does this relate to another clue/object I’ve found previously (that also might help me solve this puzzle!)


I hope you found this article helpful, and I sincerely hope that you can use it to get a better understanding of the Online Escape Room Melbourne game. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below!