How To Speed Up Your Game On the Golf Course – 5 Simple Tips

golf course Geelong

Playing slow golf can be frustrating, and it’s not just a problem for newcomers – even experienced golfers can sometimes struggle to play at a quick pace. But there are simple tips you can follow to help speed up your game and make it easier for everyone involved. For example, be prepared to hit your shot when it’s your turn and don’t take too long between shots.

If you do need to take a break, let everyone else know and try to limit your time away from the best quality golf course Geelong wide as much as possible. And finally, if you find yourself struggling to play at a quick pace, remember to practice your swing only if you’re sure you won’t delay other players. Enjoy these tips and start playing faster – it’ll make the game that much more enjoyable!

5 Simple Tips To Speed Up Your Golf Games

  1. Play ready golf – this means being prepared to hit your shot when it’s your turn.

Playing golf can be a lot of fun, but it can also be frustrating when you’re not able to play your best. Practice regularly – this will help you improve your skills on the green.

Also, make sure your equipment is in good condition – it’ll help you play more consistent golf. Stay calm under pressure – nerves can lead to poor decision-making, negatively affecting your game. Keep an eye on the wind direction and adjust your shots accordingly – this can make a huge difference on the course.

  1. Don’t take too much time between shots.

golf course Geelong

When it comes to golf, taking your time is key. If you can speed up the process by following a few simple tips, you’ll be on your way to a better score. Start by practicing hits on the range before heading out to play. This will help you build muscle memory and get a sense of the course.

Next, use a practice bunker to get feedback about how far you can push your envelope. Finally, make sure you master the basics – alignment, speed, and technique. When it comes to hydration, make sure you drink enough water to perform at your best. You can speed up the process and improve your score with a few simple tips.

  1. Use a practise swing only if you’re sure you won’t delay other players.

There’s no doubt that speed is key on the golf course, and in order to improve your game, you need to practice frequently. However, it’s important to practice in a way that won’t delay other players.

To do this, focus on improving your tempo and accuracy. Practice your swing in a way that replicates the actual game situation so you’re not affected by the weather or other players. Finally, make sure you only practice your swing if you’re absolutely certain that it won’t have an impact on them.

  1. Walk briskly between shots.

If you’re looking to speed up your game on the golf course Geelong, there are a few simple tips you can follow. One of the most important is to walk briskly between shots. This will help you conserve energy and stay focused.

Additionally, aim to take your time with each stroke – don’t try to hit the ball too hard from the get-go. And lastly, make sure to take breaks between holes to let your muscles and mind rest. By following these tips, you’ll be able to speed up your game and improve your score.

  1. If you need to take a break, let everyone else know and try not to take too long.

Golfers know the drill – one swing, and you’re already behind the green. But if you need to take a break, let everyone else know and try not to take too long. Not only will this help you stay on schedule, but it’ll also keep you refreshed and focused for the next round.


If you want to speed up your game on the golf course, follow these simple tips. By playing ready golf and following the other 5 tips, you’ll be able to play at your best and still have time for fun! So, what are you waiting for? Start practising and speeding up your game today!