What Is A Difference Between Boarding Schools And Residential Schools?

Boarding schools and residential schools are two of the most common types of schools , but they’re not quite the same.

Best Boarding Schools New zealand is an independent school that provides students with dormitories and other facilities for living on campus. For example, students might live in dorms during their senior year after spending four years at a public high school. In contrast, residential schools are day schools that require students to live there full-time while attending classes on campus. 

These types of institutions can only admit one gender or the other because they provide housing as part of their curriculum; therefore, each student must be assigned to either male or female housing based on his or her sex at birth (as per Title IX regulations).

Boarding schools are independent schools that house students on campus.

Boarding schools are independent schools that house students on campus. They allow students to live in dorms, eat and sleep together as a group, and participate in extracurricular activities with other students.

Boarding schools have several advantages over residential schools:

  • Boarding school accommodation is more comfortable than residential accommodation because there is less space between beds and people will not be sleeping on floors or mattresses covered with old sheets.
  • Boarding school meals are usually better quality food than those served at home because they’re prepared by chefs who care about nutrition standards (e.g., no MSG), but they may also include extra vegetables because they want to encourage healthy eating habits among their students.
  • It’s easier for boarding school teachers to give individual attention to each student; they don’t have classes full of 20-30 people like teachers do at public schools where there’s only one teacher per class!

Boarding schools can be either gender-specific or coeducational. Coeducational boarding schools are more common and often have a single house where students live by gender, but some schools have both boys’ and girls’ houses within the same school. 

Residential schools may only admit students of one gender.

In a residential school, students are considered to be of one gender. This means that there are no boys or girls in the school, and all of the teachers have to teach both boys and girls equally. Residential schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion.

Residential Schools may only admit students with special needs such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities and emotional problems such as anxiety or depression. 

Boarding schools require tuition, and residential schools don’t.

  • A boarding school is a school whose students live at the institution. If you’re not familiar with the term “boarding school,” here’s a quick explanation:
  • In most cases, boarding schools require tuition to attend—and since these schools are usually located far away from where you live (or are even across state lines), that means paying for transportation costs as well.
  • Residential schools don’t require tuition because they’re usually located nearby and can be accessed via public transportation or some other means of getting around town quickly enough that it doesn’t make sense for your parents to pay for them yourself.

If you’re looking for a school that will help your child develop into an adult, Boarding Schools NZ are the way to go. They offer a safe environment where kids can grow and learn without being distracted by outside influences like drugs or alcohol. 

Residential schools do not have this advantage because they are located in residential neighborhoods rather than on campus.