What You Should Know Before Composing an Eulogy?

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A eulogy is a speech that honours the deceased and gives a glimpse into their life. It’s usually delivered by someone who knew the deceased very well. The process of writing a eulogy can be emotional and difficult, but it’s also an important way to honour someone who made an impact on your life. There would be Funeral Directors Adelaide; this one comes from your heart to express what you feel. If you’re thinking of writing one for a friend or family member, here are some tips for making sure it goes off without a hitch:

Writing a eulogy can be an emotional and difficult process.

While it might seem like a relatively simple task, writing a eulogy can be very emotional, you may find yourself having to write about someone you love, and doing so will likely bring up feelings of grief and sadness. It’s important to remember that no matter how hard it is for you, the person being celebrated deserves your best effort at composing an accurate and heartfelt speech.

If you’re in the process of writing a eulogy and are worried about saying the wrong thing or not saying enough—or even saying too much—there are some things that can help guide your writing process:

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Avoid humour in the speech.

A eulogy is not the place for humour. The deceased will be missed and remembered, but it is not necessary to make jokes about the deceased or their family. It’s also not appropriate to make light of the circumstances surrounding their death, no matter how dark they may be.

If you are struggling with what your speech should look like, consider one of these tips:

  • Avoid humour at all costs—unless it’s a funny story that you want to share about your relationship with this person while they were alive (and even then, it might still be inappropriate).
  • Acknowledge how challenging this speech will be for everyone involved in writing and delivering it. Acknowledging that you’re nervous can help put others at ease too!

Be sure to address the deceased by name.

When writing a eulogy, it’s important to remember that the person you’re writing about is not only a loved one but also a unique individual. Take the time to address them directly by name as often as possible. Not only will this help your audience connect with the deceased and feel closer to them, but it will also help you strengthen your message.

Here are some ways you can use the name in your speech:

  • To illustrate a point or make an argument about what made the deceased special.
  • To thank the person for their presence in your life (this can be done by thanking them for specific things they did or saying something like “Thank you for being my friend”)
  • To explain why someone might have been significant in someone else’s life (if he was an uncle who taught me how to play baseball)
  • To describe specific qualities of his personality and character (such as kindness or generosity)

Talk about what the deceased person has done for others.

In addition to talking about the deceased person’s life and accomplishments, you can also include details of any good deeds or accomplishments that have been done in his/her name. This will help show how much he/she has impacted others, and it will also most likely touch on what family members and friends are feeling after their loss.

Talking about passions is another great way to share the emotional side of a person’s personality with those who know him/her best. If the deceased loved football, talk about it in your speech! If he/she likes music and playing instruments, talk about this as well!

If you have any kind of pictures that you think might be helpful for people at the funeral service (such as childhood photos), bring them along with you so that they can be included in your speech if possible.


Creating a eulogy for a loved one is an important and meaningful way to celebrate their life. By being thoughtful about what you include in your speech, you can ensure that it honours the deceased person’s legacy and helps those who are grieving process their feelings. Make sure you have the Funeral Directors Adelaide by your side to help you grieve properly over the death of your loved one by taking care of everything.