Why Cardamom Is Considered “Queen Of Spices”?

spices Australia

Cardamom, with its heady fragrance and delicate taste, is the queen of spices in Australia. It’s been used for centuries across the globe where it grows wild. The pods are actually the fruit of a small tree native; they’re picked when green and then dried before being ground into powder or whole seeds. Cardamom is available year-round but at its peak during winter months; avoid buying pods that look shrivelled or dry as this indicates poor quality. Spice up your next meal with this versatile spice!

Contains many medicinal properties

There are many reasons why cardamom is known as the “queen of spices” among other best spices in Australia. Its use in cooking and traditional medicine dates back to ancient times when the Greeks and Romans used it. Today, cardamom can be found in many cuisines around the world. While it may seem like a flavour that only belongs in desserts, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this spice for its health benefits as well. Cardamom has been shown to have medicinal properties that can help with a variety of conditions, from indigestion and bloating to colds and coughs. Cardamom has also been shown to have antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains essential oils that are known for their ability to soothe coughs and sore throats.

Provides great taste and fragrance

Cardamom is used in many cuisines across the globe and is considered one of the five spices in Australia that make up Chinese cuisine. It provides a great taste and fragrance which helps to make food more palatable. Cardamom can be used in desserts, baking and beverages as well as sweet and savoury dishes. Cardamom is also used to make tea, coffee and chai. It has a low glycemic index which means it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels, making it a good choice for diabetics.

Versatile spice used in various forms worldwide

Cardamom is used in many cuisines worldwide, including Indian, Arabic and Scandinavian. Cardamom is a versatile spice that can be added to baking for a sweet taste or to savoury dishes for a spicy kick. It’s also used as an ingredient in desserts such as cakes and puddings. When cooking with cardamom, grind the seeds before adding them to your recipe so they don’t overpower other spices like cinnamon or ginger. Cardamom is a versatile spice that can be added to baking for a sweet taste or to savoury dishes for a spicy kick. It’s also used as an ingredient in desserts such as cakes and puddings.


In conclusion, Cardamom is an ancient spice that has been used in India since the 12th century BC. It was popularised by Hippocrates and later became known as a cure for indigestion and flatulence. Today, cardamom still has many uses including cooking, medicine and deodorising.