Why Dedicated Support Coordination is Important

support coordination Melbourne

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme in Australia that provides support to people with permanent and significant disabilities to help them improve their quality of life, reach their goals and participate more in the community.

The NDIS offers support coordination Melbourne, such as access to care, therapy, equipment, and services that can help a person to manage their disability and live a more independent life. The NDIS also offers resources to help participants understand their rights, responsibilities, and options when it comes to NDIS.

What is NDIS Support Coordination?

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) Support Coordination Melbourne is a program designed to assist individuals with disabilities to access mainstream services, funding and support opportunities. 

It is designed to provide an individualized and tailored approach to each individual’s needs, to facilitate the achievement of their goals in life, and to allow them to live as independently as possible.

Reasons for Support Coordination

 The NDIS Support Coordination program provides individuals with disabilities with an easy way to access the services and approaches they need to live the life they want.

 It helps to expand the range of options and choices available to individuals, which can often be limited due to a lack of financial resources and access to appropriate support services. 

It also helps to reduce the stress associated with accessing services and can give people a greater chance to live independently.

 Benefits of Support Coordination

Support Coordination (SC) helps NDIS participants to understand, design, implement and review their NDIS plans so that they can meet their goals and get the most out of their NDIS funding. 

SC provides direct support, training, and guidance so that NDIS participants can coordinate and manage their NDIS support. The support coordinator provides assistance in developing a plan that reflects the individual’s needs and aspirations. The main benefits of Support Coordination are:

  1.  Understanding the NDIS: SC can provide guidance on the NDIS process  health and how to use the funding allotted to an NDIS participant. This helps the participant better understand their rights, responsibilities, and options when it comes to NDIS support.
  2.  Developing the Plan: SC can help with the development of the NDIS plan. This includes helping to identify supports and services, reviewing quotes, and discussing eligibility requirements.
  3.  Implementing the Plan: SC can help to implement an NDIS plan by providing support and guidance to help the participant access the right support and services.
  4.  Reviewing the Plan: SC can help to review the plan to ensure that the participant is getting the right support and services and is meeting their goals. This review process can help to ensure that the participant is getting the most out of their NDIS funding.


In conclusion, the NDIS Support Coordination Melbourne program is an invaluable resource for individuals with disabilities, providing access to the services and support they need to live the life they want. 

It can provide access to services and supports which may not be available through other sources and can help to reduce the stress associated with accessing services. Finally, it can help to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities and can provide a sense of empowerment.