Why Your Social Skills Will Get You Hired

Hiring managers with the help of Best It Recruitment Agency In Sydney are increasingly looking for candidates who can communicate effectively, both in-person and online. If you can convince a hiring manager that you’re the right person, you’re more likely to land the job.

You’re the type of person who can get along with others.

You know how to work with others, communicate effectively and be easy to work with. You know that not everyone is going to have the same sense of humour as you or share your taste in music, but that’s okay. You also understand that there will always be people who aren’t fans of yours and don’t care what you say or do. And that’s fine too! You’re able to accept this because, at the end of the day, a job isn’t worth having if it means spending all day surrounded by jerks who are impossible to deal with (unless they’re playing well).

This doesn’t mean acting like a pushover—it simply means being a good sport when things don’t go your way (and sometimes they won’t go your way), keeping an open mind about new ideas (even ones from people you don’t necessarily like), and keeping an eye out for opportunities where everyone succeeds together instead of just one person winning at someone else’s expense (you’ll find plenty of those).

You’re up for team projects and group work.

If the idea of team projects and group work makes you cringe, it’s time to get over yourself. Companies want people who can work in teams because that’s how real life works: we need to collaborate with others, not just do everything ourselves. And not only do you want to work on a team, but you should also be as outspoken about your needs for help as possible—in fact, being too shy or quiet is one of the biggest red flags when it comes to hiring talent.

Also important: You are able to take criticism and feedback from others, even if they say something that may seem harsh or wrong at first glance (and especially if they don’t know what they’re talking about). Being able to recognize when someone has valuable advice for you means that no matter how stressful things get during a project or at work (which will happen), nothing will throw you off your game as much as someone going, “you’re doing it wrong!”

You make a good first impression in interviews by showing off your social skills

  • Don’t come across as arrogant. This is a common mistake people make in interviews, and it’s easy to see why: when you’re talking about who you are and what you’ve done, it’s natural to feel proud of yourself. But don’t let your ego get the best of you! It’s important not to sound like a know-it-all or even an expert on all things, including the job for which you’re interviewing. Most importantly, don’t talk over anyone else; if someone says something that sounds interesting or seems relevant to what they said before, be sure to listen before speaking again.
  • Don’t talk too much. It can be tempting during an interview (or any conversation) simply because there is so much information floating through our brains at once that we want everyone else around us to hear everything we have going on up there—but keep in mind that no one wants all their attention drawn away from whatever they were saying just because they suddenly need time alone with themselves after hearing everything going on inside your head at once! Even when responding positively to another person’s comments or questions during an interview situation… remember this rule: listen first before answering anything verbally (and only then). Instead of thinking about how much more wonderful and intelligent it would seem if only everyone could hear all the amazing insights into life itself which just popped into my head out of nowhere without warning earlier today…”

Best It Recruitment Agency In Sydney

You’re not an introvert (and that’s okay!)

At first glance, it might seem like introverts would be at a disadvantage in the workplace compared to their extroverted counterparts. But the truth is that they’re not at a disadvantage at all. In fact, they can still be effective leaders, communicators and salespeople!

It’s important to know that being an introvert doesn’t mean you don’t want to socialize or enjoy being around people—it means you need time alone in order to recharge your batteries. You have different needs than an extrovert does because your energy is drawn from solitude rather than stimulation. Your brain works differently when you’re alone versus when you’re surrounded by others: while an extrovert gets energized by socializing with others, an introvert becomes drained by it (which explains why many introverts need time alone).

This isn’t a bad thing; this difference simply means that both types are motivated differently based on their natural tendencies as individuals.

You have the ability to adjust your attitude and master inner dialogue

You have the ability to adjust your attitude and master inner dialogue.

Although you might be able to seem like a fun-loving, happy person when you’re in an interview room or at an event with coworkers, it’s important that you’re able to turn it off when necessary. You don’t want to be seen as too much of an extrovert or introvert by your interviewer; instead, strive for balance in terms of how much energy and enthusiasm you exhibit.

In addition, keep your mind from wandering about negative thoughts and scenarios that could occur after the interview. You want this job–and the chances are good that the hiring manager does too! Do what you can do to get yourself into the mindset of success before going into any competitive setting where there may be several other qualified candidates competing for one position by keeping these benefits in mind:


We’ve explained how important social skills are to your job search. They are taken into consideration by Best It Recruitment Agency. But what if you feel like they’re not your strong suit? If that’s the case, don’t worry! There are lots of ways to improve your social skills.