Your Comprehensive Guide to Use Bird Netting that Safeguard Your Property


The bulk of birds you will see soaring in the skies, whether you live in a beach retreat or a metropolitan hub, are likely to be nuisance birds like pigeons or gulls! If you need bird netting Sydney is one of the more difficult places to find good quality netting, installed at a low price. But it is still worth thi! Bird netting is an easy and gentle approach to manage problem birds in a specific region. These bird exclusion devices let problem birds leave buildings and agricultural crops without causing harm or defecating on them.

When protecting expansive surface areas in high-pressure environments where pest birds are reluctant to leave, bird netting is particularly well-suited. There are several options to control birds’ population by using bird netting for your Sydney property.

Combating feathered enemies with skilled bird handling

Our throw-away lifestyle has contributed to a recent rise in the pigeon population, and with so much leftover food and overflowing trash cans at their disposal, is it any wonder that we are luring nuisance birds into the cities and towns?

However, you shouldn’t only be concerned about pigeons because seagulls are also encroaching on the properties. Like pigeons, gulls also poop everywhere and actively guard their nests by bombing anyone who approaches them. Thus, you can install  Sydney bird netting to prevent them entering into your property.

Finding a method to coexist peacefully with unwanted birds is thus in everyone’s best interests. One of the most practical options is to employ bird control netting. With the aid of bird control netting, you may physically separate a problem bird from its designated location, preventing additional harm.

What materials are used in bird control nets?

Bird control netting must be durable enough to withstand all weather conditions, sturdy enough to remain in place in high winds, and silent enough to be tolerated by persons nearby. As a result, the majority of bird control netting is often composed of polyethylene or polypropylene, is UV treated, and most often comes with flameproofing as standard.

The net holes are chosen based on the size of the bird you wish to avoid, and the straining wires, fixtures, and fittings are often constructed of stainless steel. Experts can provide you premium bird netting that, if properly installed, will be hardly seen against the fascia of your building and is backed by a warranty.

Reasons to use bird netting

Bird netting’s key advantage is that it may safely manage the number of troublesome birds without endangering other species. Experts prefers employing bird netting over other bird pest management methods because:

  • Bird netting may be used to cover big areas like parking lots, but it also works well to protect tiny crops.
  • If properly cared for, a single bird net can last up to 10 years. As a result, it is an economical way of bird control.
  • Bird control nets are made with varying sized holes to make it difficult for some birds to get through them, as well as a range of colours to help them blend in with their environment.

When installing bird control netting, keep the following in mind:

Despite the fact that bird netting may be installed at any time of the year, experts advise doing it in the spring or early summer. By doing this, you can deter pigeons from roosting and stop your clients from getting gull-poo shampoo when they are sitting outside.

Pest birds start looking for locations to dwell as the days become warmer, choosing to wander along ledges, balance on TV aerials, or cuddle up on some exposed plumbing. They sit and defecate here contentedly, disregarding the disgusting, slippery mess they are making below.

Installing bird netting requires a high level of competence since you must make sure that it is securely fastened, unsightly, and efficient for many years to come. Additionally, you should take care to avoid accidentally trapping any birds. This needs ongoing observation because it violates the 2006 Animal Welfare Act to neglect to release captured birds.

Putting up bird control netting

Bird expert uses rope access techniques to assemble bird control nets rather than scaffolding and cherry pickers, so you can install them almost anyplace. This not only enables us to cover a structure without making it appear like a construction site, but also ensures that there is no interference with public access and pathways. The whole staff of abseilers has undergone extensive training and is properly licenced and insured.

In order to keep nuisance birds from overpowering the weatherproof bird netting, there must be enough space between the net and the ground. The nets must thus be stretched tight across roofs and spaces and fastened using stainless steel fasteners and wires. The net can rip over time if it is pulled too tightly, but if it is hung too loosely, there is a danger that the birds will get in.

Birds can become tangled and injured in worn-out bird control nets as well. Therefore, experts suggest that you have your bird netting inspected every year, ideally before the start of the nesting season.