7 Local SEO Tips to Boost Your Restaurant’s Online Visibility

7 Local SEO Tips to Boost Your Restaurant's Online Visibility

If you’re a restaurant owner, you know that running a business can be tough. You have to think about marketing, inventory management and employee retention, just to name a few things on your plate. 

According to a professional SEO company in Ahmedabad, there’s another aspect of restaurants that often gets overlooked: online visibility. With hundreds (if not thousands) of listings popping up on search engines every day, it can be difficult for local businesses like yours to maintain their online presence—especially if you don’t know what to do. 

In this post, we’ll cover some essential tips for boosting your restaurant’s local SEO strategy so that more people can find you when they’re looking for food in the area!

       Optimize Your Website’s Speed

  • Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify the areas of your website that need improvement.
  • Find out how fast your site loads by using GTmetrix or Pingdom.
  • Use these best practices to optimize the speed and performance of your restaurant’s website:
  • Optimize images. Default image sizes limit the quality of image files, which makes them unnecessarily large and slows down page loading time. Ensure that all images are compressed at 72 dpi resolution with an optimal file size in kilobytes (Kb). A general rule of thumb is that each graphic should be no larger than 50KB for images that appear as background images, and up to 200KB for inline content such as logos, illustrations or photographs on mouse hover actions (like drop-down menus).
  • Avoid flash elements or scripts when possible; if you do use them, make sure they’re optimized, so they don’t slow down page load times on mobile devices. 

    Use Schema Markup To Help Google Understand Your Business

Schema markup is a way to help search engines understand your business and the content on your website. It’s a way for you to provide additional information about your business and its products or services. Google uses this data to help people find your business when they search on Google and other search engines. This can include things like reviews, events, contact information, etc.

For example, if you were an Italian restaurant in Ahmedabad and had a “Contact Us” page on your website, Google would be able to recognize that by looking at the code of the page (HTML) and would know that “Contact Us” was an address for a restaurant in Ahmedabad. Now when someone searches for “Italian restaurants in Ahmedabad”—and this page comes up as one of their top results—Google will show its location along with some other pieces of information about it that they can pull from schema tags. 

      Have A Local Landing Page For Each Location

If you have more than one restaurant, it’s important to create a local landing page for each location. This can be done by using the URL’s city and state of the location. 

This will help Google find the location and show it in the search results. 

local landing page

For example, if you have a restaurant in Ahmedabad, you would need two different local landing pages for each location:

If you’re unsure how to create these pages, many plugins allow you to do so quickly without having to learn any HTML or CSS coding skills. 

One such plugin is Yoast Local SEO, which provides helpful guides on how to set up each type of page (e.g., category pages) along with many other features like meta descriptions and keyword optimizers that help improve your search engine rankings even further!

      Include Local Keywords In Your Title Tags

When it comes to local SEO, the title tag is the most important element on your page to get right. The title tag should be clear and concise, with no more than 70 characters (including spaces). When writing your title tags, include your keyword in all of the following spots:

  • At the beginning of each title tag
  • In any other place where it makes sense for search engines or users to see it
  • Use your keyword in the first 50 words of your title tag, but don’t go overboard. 
  • Put your keyword at the end of your title tag, if possible. 

This can be helpful for search engines that don’t read every word on a page. Include local keywords in your meta descriptions. When it comes to local SEO, the meta description is an important ranking factor. It’s also one of the most user-focused elements on a page because it shows up in Google’s search results and helps people decide whether or not they want to click through to your site.

      Create Content That Appeals To Locals

To appeal to locals, you want to create content that uses the local language and includes keywords related to the area. You can also provide information about local events or business news. If you’re a restaurant in Ahmedabad, for example, you could post information about a Steelers game coming up.

For each piece of content you create, add these elements:

  • A call-to-action (CTA) that encourages users to visit your website or place an order from your restaurant
  • A map so people can see where exactly your restaurant is located

      Use Geo-Targeted Keywords In Your Content And Meta Descriptions

One of the best things you can do as a restaurant owner is to make sure that your content and meta descriptions include geo-targeted keywords. This means using keywords like local, city name, state name, zip code etc.

keyword in content

A professional SEO company in Ahmedabad suggest that it’s very important that these geo-targeted keywords are used in your content and meta descriptions because it helps Google understand what a searcher is looking for when they search for certain locations in their area.

For example: if someone searches for “restaurant near me” and one of your competitors doesn’t use any geo-targeted keywords in their description, then Google will not know how close or far away this particular business is from where the person searched. 

This could potentially lead them to show up higher than you would otherwise show up on Google maps due to this lack of information provided by your competitor’s website.

      Be Present On Local Directory Sites And Niche Restaurant Sites

One of the best ways to improve your local SEO is to be present on local directory sites and niche restaurant sites.

  • Local directories are important because they offer a good way to build up citations in the form of listings that link back to your website. These citations will help Google understand you better, which will lead to higher rankings in their search results.
  • Niche restaurant sites are also very helpful in improving localized visibility because they allow you to target specific keywords related to what people are searching for when looking for restaurants near them or similar kinds of businesses (e.g., “juice bars”).


In conclusion, local SEO is one of the most effective ways to boost your restaurant’s online visibility. It can get you more customers and increase your profits. In addition, it will help you stand out from competing restaurants in the area by showing up higher on search results pages. That being said, there are many factors that go into this type of marketing strategy—it’s not as simple as just following these tips!