Coronavirus Impacting your Business? Combat with SEO & Marketing

Combat Coronavirus Impact

COVID-19 – started in Wuhan city of China – has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.

The virus is spreading like nothing else and many people have lost their lives in this disaster.

Some are saying “this is nature’s way of eliminating the human virus” and others are blaming Chinese people for spreading this disease.

Not only humans but businesses are also suffering from the biggest loss of the times. The stock market has broken down and many small or mid-level business owners are declaring themselves bankrupt.

The biggest point here, apart from protecting everyone from the virus, is to prevent bankruptcy and unemployment in the world.

SEO Services in  Brisbane can be a ray of light in this deadly darkness for many businesses.

This isn’t a time for panicking; instead, we all should focus on optimizing.

Many SEO clients are closing their contracts and shutting down their online marketing actions until further notice. This can be the knee-jerk reaction that might take several months to recover even if the virus will be controlled.

There certainly is the potential economic impact of COVID-19, which certainly is scary for local and global businesses.

But we can stick to our SEO and marketing to recover fast or even get through this pandemic.

  1. Interview Customers and employees

Use Google Hangouts or any other video calling application to record the calls.

Interview your clients and employee about their experiences and knowledge about your services, products, and culture.

Convert your information into audio or keep it in the video.

These transcripts can be rich resource insider information for your social content, blog post, press release and much more.

  1. Plan Effective Webinars

Opt for answering frequently asked questions about your small engine repair approach.

If your office is getting empty day after day, it’s the right time to plan a webinar. This approach works 91% of the time for B2B companies and honestly, it is the favourite content format of the readers for learning.

  1. Plan a mini-audit

To get the most out of SEO Services, plan a mini-audit. However, it can take a bit of time and expertise but there’s so much to do with a short audit to enhance your content performance, especially when the whole world is in crisis.

Create a new sheet that includes information about the following:

Articles you’ve published externally

  • Webpages
  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Emails
  • Ebooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Videos
  • Presentations

And other activities you do.

  1. Aim at various types of SERPs

Now is the time to dig deeper and plot your domination of paragraph snippets, position zero, and more. Try various types of SERPS and find out which one is the best for you in the current as well as a future market.

  1. Focus on Outreach Strategy

Don’t just leave your clients in this pandemic. Instead, reach them through a phone call, e-mail, or text message to show them that you care for them and their families. You can even be a responsible local leader to distribute reputable and authentic information to your clients and employees regarding COVID-19.

Let everyone know that you are open to COVID-19 challenge and ready to be a helping hand to all your employees and clients.

Be open to conversation and tighten your clutch on SEO!

Final Advice: Remember to save yourself before saving anybody else…