How To Avoid Overloading Skip Bin And The Best Way To Load It

skip bin Adelaide hills

Skip bins are a great way to get rid of any unwanted rubbish. However, it can be very easy to overload them. If you over load your skip bin Adelaide hills, it could cost you extra money. So how do you avoid overloading your skip bin, and what is the best way to load it?

Here are some useful tips to help you avoid overloading your skip bin when hiring one for your next project:

Determine the size of the Skip Bin you will need.

Before you go ahead and hire a top-notch skip bin Adelaide hills, it is important to determine the waste you have and choose a skip bin size that is large enough to fit all your garbage. You can calculate the amount of waste in cubic meters by multiplying the volume in cubic meters (length x width x height) by 0.8. Once you have determined the amount of rubbish that needs to be disposed of, ask yourself these questions:

  • How much space do I have available for placing my skip?
  • Is there enough room on my driveway for the size of skip I want?

If not then think about where else it could be placed such as near the side of my property or garage but make sure there will be access from a vehicle transporting it.

Identify the location where it will be placed.

Before you start loading the skip bin, make sure that it is placed in an appropriate location. You want to ensure that it doesn’t block any traffic or driveways, and that it doesn’t block any fire hydrants. This can be done by drawing out a map of where the waste will be placed and measuring how far away from these items the skip bin should be placed.

skip bin Adelaide hills

Collect all garbage and waste in one spot before loading them.

Here are some tips that will help you avoid overloading your bin:

  • Collect all garbage and waste in one spot before loading them. This is important because if you don’t do this, it could make the process of loading the skip harder and more confusing. It would also make it likely that you’ll end up with too much trash for the bin to handle, which can be dangerous for both yourself and others around you.
  • Use a measuring tape or ruler to measure out how much room is left in your skip before adding more trash to it. If there isn’t enough room left after measuring, then you won’t have enough space for all of the materials that need to go into it! It may seem like there’s plenty of room at first glance but remember that each load adds up quickly so always double-check before filling up again!

Avoid making overloading the container.

It is important to note that a skip bin is only able to hold so much waste before it gets full, just like every other container. The right way to load a skip bin Adelaide hills is very different from how you would throw rubbish into your regular rubbish bin at home. To help you get an idea of how much waste can be put in each type of container, we have listed some factors below:

  • The size or capacity of the container will determine how much weight it can hold at one time. For example, a 20 yard container has a maximum load limit of approximately 20 cubic yards (about 180 cubic feet), while a 40 yard container has up to 40 cubic yards (400 cubic feet) of space for loading waste materials inside its walls.
  • Whether you’re dealing with hardwood mulch or shredded paper scraps doesn’t matter when loading these materials into your skips because they all weigh about the same amount per square foot as far as I know!

Make sure that you have covered your skip bin before you leave it behind.

It is important to ensure that your skip hire Adelaide hills is covered when you leave it behind. If you don’t cover your skip bin, there are a number of things that can happen. 

  • Firstly, it will be an eyesore for other people who see the uncovered skip bin and might question the state or condition of your property. 
  • Secondly, rainwater can get into the skip and cause damage to any items inside it because water builds up in there very quickly when left open to nature. 
  • Finally, leaving an uncovered skip will expose whatever has been put in there for anyone passing by them to see – including thieves!


Loading a Skip Bin is not easy, but with the right steps and precautions you can avoid overloading it. Make sure that you have covered your skip bin before leaving it behind and also try to keep all waste in one place before loading them into the container.