If You’re Planning A Trip To India, Avoid These Blunders

Visiting India can be fun with lots of new adventures. Every time you return to India on each recent trip, you need to adapt, adjust and remember how things work in India. Unfortunately, travellers often make the same mistakes when they are in India or planning a trip. It’s better to go with reputed India custom tours with backup and planning to avoid several pitfalls. Below are some of the top mistakes travellers to India make; keep reading the blog to know how to avoid them! 

india custom tours

Straight to the Taj Mahal

It’s a wonder of the world for a reason, and no matter how many photos you’ve seen of the Taj, nothing can beat the feeling of walking through the gateway and seeing the elegant white marble in the shining sun. 

But unfortunately, Agra is one of India’s highest hassle cities (some would say downright ugly, too) and is not the ideal first stopping point for travellers new to India. 

Too many or incorrect packaging

You may want to pack it in case of contingency and bring your mini medicine rack. But one thing is sure: heavy bags do not help travel happily in India. You don’t have to bring everything from your house (there are pharmacies on almost every street corner) as most things are readily available in India. You should also carry your bag, at least inside and outside transportation, unless you’re on a luxury tour. 

Do not investigate and plan in advance 

Travellers to India who are not ready are not only the main target of fraud (see below), but there are other things to consider. Firstly, you’ll need a visa or visa (all tourists do), which has to be prearranged. 

Then there are things to consider, such as if you’re short on time and want to see a lot of places in India, it can be difficult to book certain things last minute. During peak season, some hotels and resorts may be fully booked, and trains may be fully booked and require advance booking, or you may find yourself having to pay more price in case you book at the last minute.

kerala tour packages

Getting Scammed

Unfortunately, some scams are part and parcel of India – even sometimes for locals and definitely for Indian travellers. Scams targeting visitors to India frequently prey on the uninitiated, either those who have recently arrived in town or the country or wealthy visitors with plenty of money to spend but little time to bargain.

However, you need to be aware that there are larger-scale scams operating, which you should be aware of. These include jewellery and Gemstone scams or things like directing you to fake “tourist offices” and persuading you to rebook your travel through them. These are more serious scams to be aware of, and we recommend travellers do some research before setting off to India. 

There are also many trusted agencies that offer Kerala tour packages and other specific place trips. For safety, it’s better to visit with proper preparation to enjoy the trip.