Pick The Right People For Vacate Cleaning

Why Hiring a Professional To Clean Up After Your Tenant Vacates The Premises

Vacate cleaning is a service that most real estate agents recommend for their clients, especially if the tenants have left behind a lot of junk. 

However, not all vacate cleaning Melbourne companies are created equal. Some are better than others at covering up stains and odors, some have more experience with particular types of apartments or homes than others, and some even offer special services like junk removal and professional packing.

Different types of vacate cleaning

There are four different types of vacate cleaning services:

  • Pre-vacate cleaning
  • Post-vacate cleaning
  • Deep clean
  • Move in / move out cleaning

Know your family’s cleaning standard

Understanding Your Responsibilities When Booking Professional End of Lease Cleaning Services

Now that you have a good idea of what type of cleaning service you’re looking for, it’s time to think about your family’s cleaning standards.

  • How often do you clean? This is an important question to ask yourself because not all vacate cleaning companies are available 24/7. If there’s no one around to take care of things when your house gets messy, then it may be worth paying extra for a company that offers around-the-clock services (but be prepared for higher rates).
  • How much time do I have to clean up my home? Vacate cleaners usually charge by the hour or by square footage, so if there’s not enough time left in the day before moving day arrives at 4pm sharp and all furniture needs moved out by then anyway…then maybe hiring someone isn’t necessary after all!

Do you have time to clean?

There’s no doubt that cleaning your own home is a labor of love. You want to do it right, but sometimes life gets in the way and you can’t find the time to get everything done. If this sounds like you, then hiring professional  Vacate cleaners may be the answer.

If time isn’t an issue for you though (or if it is but there are other priorities), then by all means go ahead and try vacate cleaning yourself! It might not be as hard as you think–and maybe even kind of fun!

Are there any special requirements?

If there are any special requirements, you can talk to the company about it. For example, if you need a specific cleaning solution or tool, ask them if they have that.

Do they offer flexible schedules?

Flexibility is key when it comes to booking a vacate cleaning service. If you’re planning on moving out of your home and need help cleaning it up in a hurry, then having the ability to book a cleaner on the same day is important.

If you want your home cleaned before guests arrive or if you’re leaving town for an extended period of time, then 24/7 availability is something that should be considered as well. Some companies only offer daytime hours while others may not have weekend appointments available at all times during the week (or year).


In the end, it all comes down to finding the right vacate cleaning Melbourne company for your vacate cleaning needs. There are so many options out there that it can be overwhelming!