Questions To Ask Before Getting Pvc Windows Installed

PVC Windows Melbourne

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an old one, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. If you’re in the market for PVC Windows Melbourne, here are some questions to ask before you sign that contract.

Do you have the proper licensing and insurance?

If you’re considering getting PVC windows installed in your home, it’s important to make sure that the contractor has taken steps to protect its customers. This means verifying that they have the proper licensing and insurance. Ask if they have any of the following:

  • A state license for the work being done
  • General liability insurance
  • Worker’s compensation insurance

How much experience do you have?

  • How long have you been in business?
  • How many windows have you installed?
  • What’s your best selling window type?
  • How many windows have you installed in this area?

What kind of warranty or guarantee comes with your work?

There are many things to consider when deciding on a company to install your new windows. A warranty should be one of the most important factors you look at before you choose. It’s important that any warranty or guarantee comes with your work for at least 10 years, and covers all parts of the window, labor, materials and installation as well as cleaning.

PVC Windows Melbourne

May I see some examples of your previous work?

Ask to see examples of the company’s previous work. This can help you identify how a company is able to handle specific projects and what kind of results they are capable of achieving. If, for example, you want a window that will be especially energy efficient, then it would be useful for the sales representative to show you one or more windows with this feature installed.

If possible, request samples from several different styles in order to get an idea of what is available. Also look at photos and videos on their website as well as on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram if applicable – these will give an indication of what quality people can expect from the product being installed in their home/office building etcetera so it’s not just based upon information given by sales reps only but also first hand experience too!

Does the quote include everything (labor and materials)?

  • Does the quote include everything (labor and materials)?
  • If not, ask for a breakdown of labor costs and materials costs.


Ask away! It’s your home and you have every right to make sure that the work is done correctly and in a timely manner. By asking these questions, you will be able to better understand if this is someone who can help you achieve your dreams of having beautiful PVC Windows Melbourne installed at an affordable price.