The Essential Guide To Facilities Management Jobs: Roles, Responsibilities, And Skills

facilities management jobs

Facilities management jobs can be a great way to kick off your career in the world of real estate. The role involves managing the day-to-day maintenance and upkeep of large buildings and other types of property, with the goal being to make sure everything is in working order for tenants and customers. This includes maintaining all building systems, cleaning up after them when they break down, and ensuring that repairs are made before things get too bad or lead to safety hazards for people who use your facility on a regular basis.

Roles and responsibilities.

Facilities managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of a property. This can include maintenance and upkeep, ensuring safety and security, and ensuring that all staff members have access to the tools they need to do facilities management jobs. In some cases, facilities managers may also be responsible for disaster preparedness planning or even emergency response teams (ERT). In these cases, they work closely with other members of their organization’s leadership team to ensure that all policies are being followed properly so that any situation can be handled quickly and efficiently.

Business processes.

Business processes are the building blocks of any organization. As a facilities manager, you’ll be responsible for overseeing these essential day-to-day tasks:

  • Keeping track of all equipment in your facility. This includes everything from computers to fax machines to water coolers. You also need to know who has access to each piece of equipment and how they’re using it–and whether they’re following any policies related to its use (e.g., limiting personal calls during office hours).
  • Managing maintenance schedules so that repairs are done promptly when needed and scheduled ahead of time when possible (i.e., before an upcoming holiday weekend). The goal here is preventing emergencies from occurring because people didn’t plan ahead!
  • Maintaining security systems like cameras or alarms so they’re working properly at all times–and keeping track of who’s coming into your building through entry points like doors or gates throughout each day; ensuring those same entry points remain locked between shifts so unauthorized individuals don’t gain access without permission; responding quickly if there’s an issue with any part(s) within those systems…etcetera!

Job skills and expertise.

You may be wondering what kind of skills you’ll need to be successful in this field. Here are some of the most common:

  • Engineering skills. Facilities engineers design and oversee construction projects, so they must have a strong understanding of building materials and equipment. They also need an eye for detail, as they must ensure that all safety regulations are met during construction.
  • Planning and estimating skills. Facilities managers who work at large corporations often spend much of their time planning new buildings or renovating existing ones–the process involves estimating costs, determining timelines, researching materials needed (such as lighting fixtures), hiring contractors who can complete their tasks on time and within budget constraints–and much more!

Education, training, and experience.

Education, training and experience requirements vary by job. For example, in the United States, a bachelor’s degree is usually required for entry-level positions as a facilities manager. Some employers also require that you earn certification from an educational institution or professional organization after completing your studies. Experience requirements vary widely depending upon where one lives because some facilities management jobs require additional licenses depending upon location – such as those who live near water sources like lakes/rivers etc., must obtain certifications before working anywhere near these areas due safety reasons.


You can see that there are many different jobs and roles within facilities management. The key takeaway from this article is that it’s important to understand what each position entails before applying for one. For example, if you want to be a facilities manager or director, then you’ll need experience managing budgets and planning projects. If instead, you want to become an engineer who specializes in heating/cooling systems or plumbing repairs, then having knowledge of those topics will be crucial because they’re part of your daily duties!