The Heartsine 360p: A Life-Saving Device for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The Heartsine 360p is the first ever fully automatic defibrillator (AED) designed to be worn by firefighters, police officers, and other first responders on the job. The tiny device can be carried in a pocket or clipped to an officer’s clothing, allowing them to administer life-saving CPR and a shock to victims of sudden cardiac arrest within just three minutes of the start of their symptoms.

What are the causes of sudden cardiac arrest?

A common cause of sudden cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF). This abnormal heart rhythm causes your ventricles to quiver instead of pumping blood. If not treated immediately, VF will lead to death in minutes. There are many risk factors and causes of VF including: structural problems with your heart; coronary artery disease; genetic abnormalities; high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of premature heart attacks or sudden cardiac arrest.

How common is sudden cardiac arrest?

Although most of us have heard of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), not many know how prevalent it is. SCA affects between 350,000 and 450,000 people annually in the United States and strikes without warning. That means an average of 1,100 people die from SCA every day—and that’s just in America. Worldwide, that number jumps to more than 700 a day.

Heartsine 360p

Who is at risk?

Just about anyone can experience a sudden cardiac arrest. According to The Heart Association, as many as 375,000 Americans suffer from sudden cardiac arrest yearly, and only eight percent survive. It happens most often in older men with high blood pressure or other heart conditions—but it can strike anyone at any time. Because of its random nature, you may be caught unprepared when it happens—which is why having a lifesaving device like the Heartsine 360p on hand is so important. What does it do?: When a person suffers from sudden cardiac arrest, their heart suddenly stops beating. Without immediate CPR and defibrillation (shocking their heart back into rhythm), they will die within minutes. But because these events are unpredictable, no one is ever prepared for them—until now.

What can be done to prevent sudden cardiac arrest?

Although medication and lifestyle changes can help lower your risk of sudden cardiac arrest, it’s inevitable that many people will suffer a heart attack. So what can be done to prevent sudden cardiac arrest, and how can you tell if someone is suffering from sudden cardiac arrest? Thanks to a new device called Heartsine 360p, more lives will likely be saved in cases of sudden cardiac arrest.


CPR is only one way to save a life during sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). But while most people can do it—with little or no training—the reality is that most people don’t. The Heartsine Pulse Monitor, also known as a wearable pulse oximeter, changes that.