What Makes So Special About Marine Plywood?

Marine Plywood

With all the different Marine Plywood uses on the water, you might be wondering exactly what marine plywood even is and why it’s so important to your project.

Fortunately, this guide will give you all the information you need in order to make an informed decision when choosing the right type of marine plywood and deciding how to use it effectively on your boat!

Let’s get started with learning exactly what plywood is, why it’s such an integral part of building, and how to choose between the different types of marine plywood.

Understanding Marine Plywood

Marine Plywood is a type of wood that has been waterproofed. This is done using various substances, including but not limited to, asphalt and linseed oil.

The asphalt does not affect the strength of the plywood, which is why it’s frequently used in marine construction. However, the water resistance can be diminished if the plywood gets wet.

To help prevent this from happening, the surface should be sanded or painted with an anti-slip material before being coated with tar or epoxy. It’s also important to store any excess asphalt coating in a dry place because of its flammability.

Common Uses for Marine Plywoods

Different types of plywoods have different features and usages, but some are more common than others. Marine plywood is one of the most commonly used types of plywood in the marine industry because it is designed specifically for outdoor use and is resistant to moisture, mould, and pests.

It can be used for a variety of purposes from flooring on docks to building boats. In the building process, you need to make sure that your base or platform will not absorb water which will cause rot and delamination.

For this reason, Marine plywood is often used in these areas of boat-building such as the boat deck or transom where you won’t find any water.

Marine Plywood

Material Properties of Marine Plywoods

A common mistake when using plywoods is not knowing which one you should use. The different types of plywoods are used for different purposes and have their own strengths and weaknesses.

All Plywoods Are Not Created Equal

Marine Plywood is the second most expensive variety, but it’s also the most durable and can withstand more water pressure than regular plywood. It has a very high resistance to rot and decay, making it an excellent choice for building or other structures that will be submerged in water on a regular basis.

Common Mistakes When Using Marine Plywoods

Plywoods are a common material for boat builders and other maritime uses. However, there are different types of plywoods that have varying degrees of durability and water resistance.

Some plywoods are not suitable for marine use because they will absorb water, which will cause the wood to warp and weaken. Below are some mistakes that you should avoid when using marine plywood on your boat or ship:

-Using plywood with a low moisture content on the exterior surface of your boat or ship. -Applying polyurethane as a sealant to exterior plywood surfaces, which might inhibit the effectiveness of caulking in high-moisture areas such as seams between boards.

-Failing to properly paint an exterior surface before applying polyurethane sealant to protect the exposed edges from water intrusion.

-Not inspecting plywood for any defects before installation, which could lead to problems down the road such as rotting or delaminating.

-Using any type of sandpaper on the exterior surface of the plywood since this can leave scratches that may be visible after painting is completed.