Why Is The Water Rusty From My Taps?

plumber Brighton

Rusty water is not uncommon in some parts of the world, but it can be quite alarming when it happens suddenly. If you notice that your taps are producing rusty water, don’t panic. But, before you call a Professional plumber in Brighton, there are a few things you can look for to determine the source of the rust. There are several reasons for this, and there are steps you can take to solve the problem. This article will look at how exactly rusty water forms, why it occurs, and what you can do if you have an issue with discolored water coming from your taps at home or work.

What Causes is Discoloured Water Coming From Taps?

There are several reasons why water may be discolored. A buildup of rust or sediment in the pipes is the most common cause of discolored water. You might notice this after you let the tap run for a few minutes, or it could appear immediately when you turn on the faucet. If there’s a leak in your system, it will cause rusty water too! The pressure from water leaking out can also cause rusty streaks on tubs and sinks after only a few minutes of use. Calcium buildup can also give you some discolored hues like orange-reds and greens, which can generally be seen as a result of hard water problems – though if it’s rust red, then there’s probably something else going on here too! You may notice that your water is discolored if you’ve just moved into a new home or there has been a plumbing change in the building. If you’re noticing a lot of discolored water, then it’s best to call a plumber in Brighton in order to have them check the system. You may also want to consider getting a water filter for your home or installing an under-sink reverse osmosis system.

Why do water heater tanks corrode?

The common culprits of rusty water are galvanized steel water heaters, copper pipes, and brass plumbing fixtures. Corrosion is caused by a chemical reaction between the metal of your tank and the water inside it. As a result, rusting occurs when oxygen molecules in the air come into contact with iron molecules in steel when they’re both exposed to water. The other likely cause of rust-colored tap water is corrosion on shower heads or faucets. This happens because you’re constantly leaving behind moisture from showers, baths, or even just washing your hands that end up pooling around these fixtures during use—which means there will be more oxygen available for reactions with iron down here too!

What can you do if you have rusty water?

If you suspect that your water supply is causing rusty water, there are several things that you can do to fix it. The first thing to try is replacing the filter. The second option would be installing a water softener or having one installed if you don’t already have one. If neither of these options works, then it may be time to replace either your tank or heater depending on where the problem lies and how much money you are willing to spend on repairs. If your hot water heater is showing any of these signs, contact your local hot water repairs specialist immediately and prepare to repair your hot water system before something goes wrong!


If you experience rusty water coming from your taps, it is important to check the source of the problem. If the water heater tank has corroded, you need to replace it as soon as possible. This way, you will avoid having any leaks in your house and save yourself from a hefty bill at the same time!