7 Most Compelling Advantages Of Mediation For Divorce

Divorce Lawyers Melbourne

Divorce can be an emotionally charged experience, and when you add litigation to that mix, it can become even more intense. Fortunately, there is an alternative to traditional Divorce Mediation in Melbourne. Mediation is a voluntary process in which both parties come together with a neutral third party (the mediator) and try to reach an agreement on how they want their divorce to be handled. While it’s not the only way to resolve your divorce, here are seven compelling reasons why mediation may be right for you:

Mediation is a voluntary process, so both parties must agree to participate

  • Mediation is a voluntary process, so both parties must agree to participate. Mediation cannot occur unless the parties are willing to come together in an attempt to reach an agreement. This means that they must be willing to negotiate, make concessions and be flexible and creative in their approach.
  • Parties can have a say in the outcome of their case at any time during mediation proceedings; this is very different from arbitration or litigation, where the judge has complete authority over what happens next throughout the process until it has concluded.

Mediation is confidential – what is said in mediation stays in mediation

You may want to keep your divorce settlement and the details of your case private. This can be very difficult in a court setting, where all information is public record. However, with mediation, you can rest easy knowing that your secrets are safe.

The reason for this is simple: mediators are bound by confidentiality agreements and do not report their work to the court or any other party involved in the case. This means that no one will ever know what happened during your mediation sessions (unless you choose to tell them).

Mediation allows you to control the outcome of your divorce

One of the main reasons that people choose mediation is because they want to be able to control the outcome of their divorce. They don’t want to leave it up to a judge or other people who don’t know them as individuals, so they determine what happens in mediation.

In addition, many couples also use mediation for divorces because they want their spouses to get everything that they want out of the deal. This can mean getting large sums of money, having certain assets transferred over into joint custody, or just making sure that there aren’t any surprises once everything is said and done!

Divorce Lawyers Melbourne

Mediation is less expensive than traditional litigation

Mediation is typically less expensive than traditional litigation.

The cost of mediation is generally shared between the parties. It’s important to note that the costs of mediation may not be considered when calculating child support or spousal maintenance, however, so it is important to consult an attorney if you are concerned about these matters.

Mediation is faster than litigation

If you and your spouse agree to mediation, it can be a relatively quick process. In most cases, the entire process of settling your divorce through mediation can take just a few months. Litigation, on the other hand, may take years to complete and cost you thousands of dollars.

In addition to being more efficient than litigation, Divorce Mediation Melbourne offers other advantages that are beneficial for your children during this challenging time in their lives. Mediation is less stressful than litigation because you won’t have to deal with court hearings or lawyers who are focusing on their own interests rather than yours or your children’s best interests (as they should). 

Less Chance of Future Legal Conflicts

Mediation also helps you to avoid future legal conflicts. In many divorce cases, there is a need for dispute resolution because of disagreements over property division or child custody arrangements. These kinds of disputes can be settled by mediation, and in some cases, the results from mediation may even supersede those from court-ordered mediation.

Mediation also reduces your chances of having to pay legal fees in the future. If your case goes before the court and is decided by a judge or jury, then there will likely be an award made against you if you lose the case—and this award could come in the form of attorney’s fees paid out by you (or your ex-spouse). With court-ordered mediations, however, there are no awards or judgments against any party; therefore, both parties remain free from any future financial obligations related to their divorce proceedings

Easier On Children

The seventh advantage of mediation is that it’s easier on children. When you’re going through a divorce, the last thing you want to do is make your children feel like they have to choose sides between the two of you. You want them to have a safe and secure environment that’s calm and predictable, where they know their parents love them and will be there for them no matter what happens in their relationship with each other. Children need consistency as well as predictability because it gives them something stable in an otherwise chaotic time in their lives.


Divorce is an emotional and stressful process that can be difficult to navigate. If you and your spouse are considering divorce, it’s important that you have as much information at your fingertips as possible. It’s also helpful to know what options are available to you and what the benefits of each option could be.