What’s Best for My Kitchen: A Freestanding or Built-In Oven?

In the world of kitchen appliances, a lot of people like to have built-ins. It just makes sense: if you’re going to go through the trouble of installing a new appliance in your home, why not make it one that blends seamlessly into your kitchen? But what about freestanding electric oven and cooktop? Do they really exist? 

What are their benefits when compared to built-in models? Should you consider them for your next remodel or renovation project? It’s important to explore necessary questions as well as how much space an oven takes up and how expensive they can get!

Freestanding Ovens

Freestanding ovens are the most popular choice for consumers. They are easy to install, portable and can be installed in any kitchen. Freestanding ovens can also be installed in small kitchens that have no wall space or cabinets behind them.

When buying a freestanding electric oven and cooktop, you should consider:

  • How large do I want my new appliance? Most manufacturers offer models between four cubic feet and eight cubic feet (or about 350 pounds to 600 pounds).
  • Do I want one with an electric or gas heating element? You’ll typically pay more for electric models (which are less efficient), but they’re easier to use because they don’t require venting or installation of gas lines like their gas counterparts do.

Built-In Ovens

Built-in ovens are generally more expensive than freestanding models. While you may think that a built-in oven will take up space in your kitchen, it could actually save you money in the long run. 

Built-in models are usually more efficient, which means they require less energy to heat up and cool down. They also tend to have a longer lifespan than their freestanding counterparts.

However, there are some downsides to a built-in model as well: they can be difficult to clean and service if needed (especially if they’re installed by an amateur).

Electric Freestanding Oven


You’ll find freestanding ovens can be more versatile. If you have a small kitchen, you should consider installing a built-in oven so that the oven is not taking up valuable space. 

However, if you are building a new house or doing an extensive remodel, it may make sense to get an appliance with more features for the same cost as one with fewer features.

Built-in ovens tend to be more efficient than freestanding models because they’re designed specifically for each type of cooking method and usually have better insulation which helps keep heat in longer which results in faster preheating times! In addition, built-in stoves often come with other features such as warming drawers (for keeping food warm), storage drawers under the burners for extra cooking utensils/spoons/etc.

These extra features add value even though they don’t necessarily improve how well your meal turns out!

Which Suits My Kitchen?

Freestanding electric oven and cooktop are by far the most flexible option when it comes to your kitchen. They can be moved around if you want to, and they’re much less expensive than built-in ovens, which means you can afford one that suits all your cooking needs.

Built-in ovens are more permanent and can’t be removed. However, they look great in any kitchen and fit into the space better than freestanding models because of their smaller footprint.


At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. If you have a small kitchen and want to use it more efficiently, a freestanding oven and Rangehoods 900mm might be best. If you don’t have space for extra appliances but still want the convenience of an oven, then built-in is the way to go.

However, if your kitchen is big enough or your cooking needs are simple enough for just one appliance and you can afford both then we suggest going with both options!