Why Is It So Important To Make Smart Restaurant Food Packaging Decisions?

There are numerous advantages to packaging. You must take the time to select packaging that is appropriate for your organisation in order to reap these benefits. Packaging that is appropriate: Cross-contamination in a restaurant refers to the transmission of bacteria or other hazardous microbes from food, equipment, or humans to food.

This can happen at any point in the food preparation process, including when food is packaged for takeout or delivery. Proper food packaging, such as tamper-proof takeaway containers, protects food against cross-contamination that can occur during the transfer of food from a restaurant to a customer – something that is especially important in the foodservice industry.

Many senses, including sight, play a role in how we enjoy our dining experience (i.e. how a dish looks when it arrives). Food is kept undamaged and upright in the correct packaging of takeaway plastic containers, so it arrives looking as appealing as it would in a restaurant.

takeaway plastic containers

Consider how much more appetising takeout sushi is when all of the rolls are served right-side-up rather than smushed together. Nothing is more frustrating than ordering soup, pizza, or pasta and having it arrive cold. Indeed, 60% of guests consider food quality, freshness, and temperature to be “the most crucial element in ordering delivery.” Hot and cold foods should ideally be packaged individually so that each dish arrives at the correct temperature.

People buy with their eyes as well, and eye-catching packaging stimulates repeat purchases. In fact, according to one analysis, container design influenced 72 per cent of American customers’ purchasing decisions. Consider the fervour that surrounds Starbucks’ annual holiday cup designs.

Food that is well-packaged with takeaway plastic containers has a higher perceived value. According to one study, roughly a quarter of consumers are ready to spend up to 20% more on products packaged in environmentally friendly packaging.

Packaging is another brand touchpoint that uses colour, design, and content to help you connect with customers. If your restaurant is recognised for having a quirky sense of humour, you may design packaging that reflects this.

Your packaging can communicate what your restaurant values, whether it’s a commitment to sustainability or a desire to raise awareness for critical social concerns. Biodegradable packaging, for example, is a simple method to show your customers that you care about the environment.

takeaway containers

Choosing the correct restaurant food packaging also necessitates consideration of food safety and hygiene. Food safety is more critical than ever before, especially with the threat of COVID-19 still looming over eateries.

What’s the good news? “No evidence of food, food containers, or food packaging being connected with the transmission of COVID-19,” according to the CDC. The bad news is that COVID-19 is caused by a virus that can live on surfaces such as takeout containers.

Despite the fact that the possibility of transmission via food packing is extremely remote, experts advise eateries to take extra packaging precautions with the takeaway containers.

Though it may be tempting to remain with the packaging you used before the pandemic, you can’t provide the finest food delivery service unless you know that some goods simply aren’t safe to eat. Many restaurants and cafes, for example, have banned reusable bags and mugs due to cleanliness concerns.

Even if the modifications are only temporary, adopting extra packaging steps might help alleviate guests’ concerns by demonstrating that you care about their safety.